
1999071Healing & Intuitive, Sensual Massage

A nurturing, intuitive, healing, sensual and sacred massage filled with integrity, magic, presence and deep heart. You will experience Astarte’s unique medicine and most potent life force and energetic healing processes which enable your wellbeing.

The body can produce an unhealthy buildup of hormones when we’re stuck in traffic or meeting a work deadline. Pent-up levels of the “stress hormone” cortisol can lead to sleeplessness, headaches and even digestive problems.

Massage has been shown to decrease cortisol in the body. This allows the body to enter a relaxing rest-and-recovery mode­: an effect that lingers long after the massage is over. In fact, massage triggers a host of brain chemistry responses that can result in lasting feelings of relaxation, lowered stress and improved mood.

 If you enjoy relaxing massage therapy, know that this can be a powerful ally in your wellness program. In addition to encouraging relaxation, ongoing massage therapy can reduce pain, increase energy levels and improve overall physical and mental performance. Benefits of Improved Relaxation

  • Improves mental outlook
  • Allows for better handling of pressure
  • Reinforces positive attitude
  • Promotes relaxed states of mental alertness
  • Enhances calm and creative thinking

Healing and Intuitive, Sensual Massage
Cost $90.00

Astarté can quite often talk with you about the blockages she sees and feels whilst working on you, she also often receives messages when doing this form of healing and will speak with you about what comes through for you.

Phone for a Booking 0409 986 095


