• Red Fox

    Red Fox

    I walk the road beside you following the leathery padded paws of the fox as she danced through the night leaving her vestige deep in the dirt. Her signature says once again, I was here but you did not see me, for I am the country road and paddock stalker…

  • Fighting Over Dirt & Sage Tea

    Fighting Over Dirt & Sage Tea

    “The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites one family. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. The earth…

  • Passion


    There is a passion in me, that doesn’t long for anything from another human being. I was given something else, a hat to wear in both worlds. It fell off. No matter. One morning I went to a place beyond dawn, a source of sweetness that flows and never stops…

  • Love Words…

    Love Words…

    To my Beloved, updated as inspired…. I hold the essence of your soul and your love, within every breath I take and every heartbeat I raise. I adore you, good morning my love. I kiss your soul, and I hug your heart precious man under this eternity of full moons.…

  • Türkiye and Syria

    Türkiye and Syria

    Under the harshest conditions of deep winter in snow and artic blasts, the magnitude of the devastation that both Türkiye and Syria are experiencing is simply beyond any words that can be spoken. I watch on with horror and a gaping sadness at the overwhelming reality of humanity. We have…

  • Honouring Papa Joe Davis – Southern Root Worker & Vodou Priest

    Honouring Papa Joe Davis – Southern Root Worker & Vodou Priest

    On the 1st of February 2023, in Raleigh, North Carolina USA, after some illness Papa Joe Davis passed to the other realms. I came to know of this man through my partner Artist, Ismaila Putuenchi in Foumban Cameroon, they had become good friends, for over 20 years and we spoke…

  • Remember This…

    Remember This…

    There is nothing wrong with you. You have patterns to unlearn, new behaviors to embody and wounds to heal. But there is nothing wrong with the core of you and who you are. You are unlearning generations of harm and remembering love. It takes time.” — Unknown

  • Jake Stratton Kent

    Jake Stratton Kent

    Under the waning crescent you took the underworld path following the leathery padded paws of the fox as she danced through the night leaving her vestige deep in the dirt. Her signature says once again, I was here but you did not see me, for I am the country road…